Friday, May 23, 2008

The Lie of Feminism

For full disclosure's sake I'll put it out there that I am an Obamafan. Obamamama. Obamarama. Obamaramamama.

I am disgusted by people who insult feminists who don't support Hillary Clinton. I am a feminist. I think Hillary gives women a bad name. I think she panders, and I think she's fake. Her idea to get rid of the gas tax (but just for the summer!) is ridiculous. It's market manipulation, and that's exactly why we're in the trouble that we're in. Congress is accusing the big oil companies of market manipulation to artificially inflate gas prices, and she wants to do the same thing (for the opposite ends). All it would do is increase demand (oh, gas is cheap! Let's drive cross-country!) and what we need is to reduce demand. We can't cure cancer with flu medicine. We can't fix the problem by simply treating the symptoms. We need to reduce our dependency, and until we do that the American people are just going to have to deal with it. I agree with Congress that the oil companies' profits are ridiculous, and the markup for oil is disgusting. Sure, we can attack that problem, that would be good. But it won't solve the problem. If we somehow force oil companies to reduce profits by reducing the oil markup, prices will go down, demand will go up, and we'll be back where we started. Not to mention the fact that it would just contribute to the problem of global warming.

The fact is that we're a gluttonous society, and now we're paying for it. Permenant solutions won't come quickly, and trying to put a bandaid on it won't save us from our own oil hunger. Clinton, though, is thinking too short term. Her idea is stupid. Just. Plain. Stupid. I'm embarassed for her. I'm embarassed by her.

She's run an awful campaign. If she can't get her act together to win the nomination how can we expect her to win the election, much less run the damn country?? It pisses me off that women all over the place want to tell me that I'm betraying feminism because I don't like Hillary Clinton. Just because she's got tits doesn't mean I should vote for her.

I guess this all comes back to that important, universal argument: "You don't knoooow me!"

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