Monday, July 21, 2008


So I've been encountering atheists lately who seem to believe that people who believe in God (or any higher power, for that matter) in some form are stupid, ignorant, desperate, or some other of a litany of insulting adjectives.

Frankly, that pisses me off.

For full disclosure's sake, I don't believe in a big guy in the sky, but I do believe in an individual higher power - 'individual' as in within our own hearts and minds. That's the briefest synopsis I can come up with.

The fact is that religion is a creation of man. Realistically, God didn't exist until man gave Him a name (I capitalize out of respect for others' religious beliefs, not my own). But the important part is that God has guided mankind for thousands and thousands of years.

This isn't about my faith impeding on yours through my actions based on my misinterpretations of my holy book. This is about you telling me that I'm wrong and that I need to "see the truth" - whatever that may be.

Atheists telling me that I'm stupid and ignorant for believing in anything not based solely in science is *just as bad* as evangelicals telling me that I'm going to hell because I don't go to their church.

Fuck you.

The way I see it, religion and faith is a very personal thing. No one can tell me what to believe. You might provide a convincing argument, but I'm not going to believe something just because you tell me I'm stupid for not believing it (or that I'm going to hell).

You ask for proof that God exists? Show me proof that He doesn't, then we can talk. Until then, keep your opinions to yourself. Religion does not belong on the debate circuit. Religion, faith and spirituality are not debatable subjects at all. Religion is not (admittedly) based on fact, so you can argue science and evolution until you're blue in the face and I'm going to step back and say "Well, that's very interesting." But in the end you've proven nothing. Except that you're an ass.

Whatever happened to "Live And Let Live"? Yea, we shouldn't support organized religion with government funding, I agree. But that isn't a point of argument. I'm sick and tired of people telling me that I'm wrong for my beliefs. From both ends. What I believe is none of your damn business anyway.

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