Tuesday, July 8, 2008


A person's sex is not limited to chromosomes, genitals born with, or attributes/personality. Not all women were born with a uterus/mothering instinct/2 x chromosomes. This community rejects the biological explanations of gender difference - as both gender and sex are not static black and white options - but rather a continuum of experience and perception. The root goal of feminism is not to make qualitative assumptions about an individual based upon the body that they were born into - this goes for both gender and sex."

This blog post is dedicated to LiveDrama and all the awesome feminists roaming around its depths.

Give. Me. A Fucking. Break.

: This is only one example of what I'm talking about

Men and women are different. I've read the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. It's not a pile of tripe. I've educated myself on the subject in numerous ways including both psychology and women's study classes. I don't claim to be an expert here, but I'm not just talking out my ass. I haven't just created an opinion out of thin air or because that's what I'm told is right.

You can talk all you want about the "Oppressive Patriarchal System"(c)(r) but I'm not buying it all. I'll grant you the oppression part. In fact, I'll grant you most of the theory, but the idea that gender and sex has no biological basis is just plainly false. Gender identity is not completely unaffected by sex. And I'm not even talking about chromosomes, here (though with every argument there more than likely exists an exception, but it's just that - an exception, not the norm - and no, referring to a "norm" is not oppressive, it's a statistical state of being). What I'm talking about is the complex and intricate chemical environment that makes up who we are. The amount of each of the thousands of chemicals racing around in our heads and bodies help to create the entity that is US.

Setting gender aside, let's take me, for example. I have a variety of diagnosed and undiagnosed mental disorders, including, but not limited to, chronic depression and attention deficit disorder (NOT hyperactive). Let's look at chronic depression. Caused (as many experts believe) by the reuptake of seretonin in the brain. Chemicals that determine our general level of happiness. Yes, I admit, I am a victim of chemistry. And I'm okay with that. I didn't do anything to cause that. It's part of who I am. Every person has a slightly different level of seretonin in their brains, which affect who they are on a daily basis. It affects their mood, their outlook on life, their interpersonal relationships, and their personality. It creates *who they are*.

So, bringing gender and sex back into the equation, every gender-specific trait that exists in men and women can be linked back to a chemical in the body. Estrogen and testosterone are only two. Every human being has estrogen and testosterone in their bodies. Men and women simply have different levels. These chemicals, like seretonin, affect a person's moods and personality. This is not an assumption or assertion or a conclusion based on anecdata. It's a fact. A. Fact.

: Check this article out

It's about the book "The Female Brain"... I think the article (and the book, which I have yet to read, but will, shortly) says it all.

Disclaimer: This is all not to say that we, women, cannot overcome biology. I don't believe that women are biologically hardwired without control. Gay, trans, straight, atypical, stereotypical, whatever. We're all individuals and we choose our own destiny, but our destiny lies within the constraints of what we are given at birth.

Think of it this way... Take astrology (if you don't believe in it, pretend, for a moment, that you do) for example. Biology affects who we are in much the same way that the stars may (you know, if that's your thing). Except to a more definite and provable way. :)

*runs off to read more*

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